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Sep 10, 2020

[Answer] What is the name of the primary ship in the movie "The Matrix?"

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the name of the primary ship in the movie "The Matrix?""

...The first of the "Matrix" trilogy hit theaters in 1999 and became an immediate hit. The science fiction thriller was a box office success, so much so that two other "Matrix" movies followed. The films follow the life of a computer hacker named Neo. When a fellow hacker who's considered a terrorist contacts Neo, his world turns upside down. Neo and a small band of hackers fight against an alien race using humans as biological 'batteries.' They get a break and take the fight to the aliens when they capture an alien hovercraft named "Nebuchadnezzar." Source: IMDb.com

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the name of the primary ship in the movie "The Matrix?""


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