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Sep 2, 2020

[Answer] What was the Louvre originally?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What was the Louvre originally?"

...1. A church 2. A fortress 3. A university 4. A city hall

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What was the Louvre originally?"

A fortress - Today, the Louvre has a well-deserved reputation as one of the world’s most renowned art museums, but the building it occupies has a history dating back more than eight centuries. It was originally built in 1190 for a very different purpose: as a fortress to protect the city of Paris. As the city grew around it, the location of the fortress was no longer strategic for defense, so in the 16th century it was reconstructed to serve as a royal palace. The building and grounds were expanded to 652,300 square feet, but that apparently wasn’t large enough for Louis XIV, who moved the royal residence to Versailles in 1682. It was then that the former fortress and royal residence took on its new utility as an art school and museum. The Louvre officially opened to the public with a collection of 537 paintings in August 1793.:

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