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Sep 15, 2020

[Answer] Which Crayola color did consumers vote to save from retirement in 2003?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which Crayola color did consumers vote to save from retirement in 2003?"

...1. Dandelion 2. Green blue 3. Burnt sienna 4. Jazzberry jam

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which Crayola color did consumers vote to save from retirement in 2003?"

Burnt sienna - To celebrate its centennial in 2003, Crayola decided to replace four colors in its stable with four new hues. The company nominated five crayon colors that it considered redundant or unattractive, and allowed the public to vote online on one that should be given a reprieve. Of the 60,000 votes cast, burnt sienna came out on top. The four colors chosen for retirement were blizzard blue, magic mint, mulberry, and teal blue. They were replaced with the creatively named inchworm (a pale yellow-green), mango tango, wild blue yonder, and jazzberry jam. It was only the second mass retirement in Crayola history; the first came in 1990, when maize, lemon yellow, blue gray, raw umber, green blue, orange red, orange yellow, and violet blue went to that great coloring book in the sky.:

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