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Sep 16, 2020

[Answer] Which European country has an art museum called the Louisiana?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which European country has an art museum called the Louisiana?"

...1. Denmark 2. France 3. Belgium 4. United Kingdom

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which European country has an art museum called the Louisiana?"

Denmark - When Louisianans travel to Denmark, they’ll find a slice of home in an unlikely place: the name of the country’s most visited art museum. Located a short distance from Copenhagen on the shores of Humlebæk, the renowned contemporary art museum and stunning architectural showcase was established by art collector Knud W. Jensen in 1958. The name of the Louisiana Museum comes from the owner of the former estate it occupies, Alexander Burn, who had a penchant for women named Louise — he married three of them. Jensen decided to keep the name for the museum. Today, the Louisiana’s permanent collection consists of a sculpture garden and around 3,500 works from European and American artists, including Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Yves Klein, and Roy Lichtenstein.:

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