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Oct 22, 2020

[Answer] 1. I came back from that prison island also known as Elba, and then got defeated at Waterloo. I was a great French leader! Who am I?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. I came back from that prison island also known as Elba, and then got defeated at Waterloo. I was a great French leader! Who am I?"

...1. Louis XVI 2. Louis XVIII 3. Napoleon Bonaparte 4. Henri I I fought dozens of battles and won so many. Then those nasty countries ganged up on me and then my generals turned against me. They sent me to rule the entire region of - tiny Elba. I returned to France in 1815. However, Wellington hit back, and hard. Then the Prussians came, and I, well, I lost. Yes, I lost. Maybe next time I should stay wherever they placed me. Wait, that's what I did. I was left at St. Helena and stayed there. Napoleon Bonaparte was a French general, and rose to such power that he was declared Emperor. He ruled France for 15 years, then Elba for one year. After his return, he again ruled France for the One Hundred days. Finally, he was decisively defeated at the Battle of Waterloo by the British, Prussians and others, and was exiled to Saint Helena, an island in the Atlantic. He died of stomach cancer.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. I came back from that prison island also known as Elba, and then got defeated at Waterloo. I was a great French leader! Who am I?"

Napoleon Bonaparte:

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