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Oct 21, 2020

[Answer] 1. Jeanine Deckers was a one hit wonder. Jeanine Deckers? I hear you ask, you might know her better by one of the names below. Who was she?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Jeanine Deckers was a one hit wonder. Jeanine Deckers? I hear you ask, you might know her better by one of the names below. Who was she?"

...1. The Swinging Nun 2. The Singing Nun 3. The Whistling Nun 4. The Humming Nun "Dominique" written by Soeur Sourire (Sister Smile) gave The Singing Nun a number one hit for four weeks on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1963. It reached number seven on the UK singles chart the same year. The Singing Nun (Soeur Sourire) was born Jeanne-Paule-Marie Deckers in Brussels, Belgium, in 1933. She was a member of the Missionary Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of Fichermont, in Waterloo when she wrote and recorded "Dominique". She became an overnight sensation and appeared on the "Ed Sullivan" show in 1964 but it was downhill after that. A movie called "The Singing Nun" starring Debbie Reynolds was released in 1966 which she rejected as fiction. Her second album "Her Joys, Her Songs" disappeared without trace. Her earnings went to her producer, Philips Records and her religious order. She left the convent in 1967 to pursue her musical career but the Dominican sisters owned the right to the name Soeur Sourire and would not give her permission to use it. By the '70s the Belgian government was after her for unpaid taxes, her former religious order who had benefited from her royalties claimed they had no responsibility for her or her tax debt. In 1985 at the age of 51 she and her long time companion Annie Pecher committed suicide citing their financial troubles in a suicide note.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. Jeanine Deckers was a one hit wonder. Jeanine Deckers? I hear you ask, you might know her better by one of the names below. Who was she?"

The Singing Nun:

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