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Oct 25, 2020

[Answer] Before Geena Davis won the role, which actress was considered to play Muriel in "The Accidental Tourist"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Before Geena Davis won the role, which actress was considered to play Muriel in "The Accidental Tourist"?"

...1. Michelle Pfeiffer 2. Melanie Griffith 3. Annabeth Gish 4. Jennifer Jason Leigh

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Before Geena Davis won the role, which actress was considered to play Muriel in "The Accidental Tourist"?"

Melanie Griffith - Geena Davis won a Best Supporting Actress Award at the Oscars for her performance as Muriel Pritchett in “The Accidental Tourist” (1988), but another nominee that year was actually in line to play the part. Melanie Griffith was in talks to come in and audition before Davis. According to “The Hollywood Reporter,” Griffith’s manager Phyllis Carlyle was an executive producer on “The Accidental Tourist” and had developed the film with Griffith in mind. She and Davis were both up to test for the film, but Scott Rudin at Fox said if Griffith were to test for anything else, she would not be able to test for “Working Girl.” She met with Carlyle, who told her, “Whoever plays Muriel in ‘Accidental Tourist’ could win the Academy Award and whoever does ‘Working Girl’ will be a star.” And as history has it, an hour later Griffith came down the stairs with her decision. “I want to take a shot at ‘Working Girl.’ This is the one that’s right for me. I'm not quite ready for ‘Accidental Tourist.’” While she did not end up winning an Academy Award that year, Griffith was still nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role for “Working Girl.”:

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