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Oct 9, 2020

[Answer] What 1968 movie is based on the novel “La Planete des Singes” by Pierre Boulle?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What 1968 movie is based on the novel “La Planete des Singes” by Pierre Boulle?"

...1. “Rosemary’s Baby” 2. “Planet of the Apes” 3. “Night of the Living Dead” 4. “2001: A Space Odyssey”

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What 1968 movie is based on the novel “La Planete des Singes” by Pierre Boulle?"

“Planet of the Apes” - Although Rod Serling and Michael Wilson received screenwriter credits for the 1968 movie “The Planet of the Apes,” the film was actually based on a satirical novel published by the French author Pierre Boulle in 1963. His “La Planete des Singes” translates to “The Planet of the Monkeys” in English. There are some notable differences between Boulle’s book and the movie, however. The most obvious difference is that the setting of the novel was not Earth, but rather a distant planet. Some of the key scenes remain the same, including the archaeological dig that unearths a talking human doll. However, the overall message of the possible destruction of Earth by careless human beings is not present in the literary work.:

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