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Oct 26, 2020

[Answer] What now stands where the Great Chicago Fire started?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What now stands where the Great Chicago Fire started?"

...1. A fire academy 2. An office building 3. A hospital 4. A museum

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What now stands where the Great Chicago Fire started?"

A fire academy - The 1871 fire that burned down the city of Chicago was called "the Great Chicago Fire" for a reason. The fire reportedly killed 300 people, destroyed thousands of buildings, and resulted in $200 million in damages. Rumored to be started by the cow of local Irishwoman Mrs. O'Leary, the Great Chicago Fire began in a barn at DeKoven and Jefferson Streets just southwest of downtown. Perhaps in an effort to avoid repeating history, the Chicago Fire Department’s Robert J. Quinn Fire Academy now sits on that exact spot where the 1871 fire began. Inside the academy, there's an emblem on the floor marking the location of the barn where O'Leary's cow supposedly kicked over a lantern to start the fire. Fortunately, both Mrs. O'Leary and her cow were later absolved of responsibility — the exact cause of the fire remains a mystery.:

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