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Oct 9, 2020

[Answer] What South American city was once the capital of a European country?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What South American city was once the capital of a European country?"

...1. Buenos Aires 2. Santiago 3. Bogota 4. Rio de Janeiro

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What South American city was once the capital of a European country?"

Rio de Janeiro - You’re probably familiar with Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for any number of reasons — Copacabana Beach, Carnaval, Christ the Redeemer — but European capital city likely isn't one of them. Indeed, Brazil was once part of the vast colonial empire of Portugal, and from 1808 to 1820, its capital of Rio de Janeiro also served as the capital of the Kingdom of Portugal. As Napoleon was conquering Europe, he planned to join Spain in an invasion of Portugal and divide up its land, leading to the Peninsula War. For safety against attack, the Portuguese Royal Family moved out of Lisbon and across the Atlantic to their prosperous territory of Brazil, which was protected by British allies. They remained there until 1821, after Napoleon was defeated. After the Royal Family left Rio de Janeiro, Brazil became independent after more than 300 years of colonial rule. Rio de Janeiro served as its capital until 1960, when it was moved to Brasilia.:

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