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Oct 12, 2020

[Answer] Which country's subway system is called the U-bahn?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which country's subway system is called the U-bahn?"

...1. Sweden 2. Germany 3. Russia 4. Italy

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which country's subway system is called the U-bahn?"

Germany - If you’re hopping on the U-Bahn to travel from Wedding to Tempelhof, you are undoubtedly in Berlin, Germany. The subway system’s name stands for “Underground Railway.” While Berlin opened the first U-Bahn in 1902, there are other German subway systems that use the same moniker in Munich, Hamburg, and Nuremberg. (There is also a U-Bahn in German-speaking Vienna, Austria.) Berlin’s U-Bahn is the most extensive network in Germany and has a particularly interesting history: It was reconstructed multiple times after suffering damage during World Wars I and II, and when Berlin was divided into East and West, so too was the U-Bahn. The stations closest to the Berlin Wall were left abandoned, until the city was reunited after the Cold War ended. The system has nine lines and 170 stations, carrying more than 550 million people each year.:

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