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Nov 24, 2020

[Answer] 2. I noticed that my urine was pink and I saw some small clots when I looked more closely. What should I do?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. I noticed that my urine was pink and I saw some small clots when I looked more closely. What should I do?"

...1. drink more cranberry juice 2. ignore it, happens to everybody 3. consult the doctor 4. avoid eating beets in the future Blood in the urine, especially the passage of clots, can be due to a serious problem, even cancer. It should never be ignored and doesn't happen in normal circumstances. See your doctor and they will investigate the problem with a battery of tests. Eating beets does cause pink urine in some people, but never causes clot passage. Cranberry juice would be a good idea if the problem was a urinary tract infection but that needs to be proved to be the cause.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. I noticed that my urine was pink and I saw some small clots when I looked more closely. What should I do?"

consult the doctor:

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