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Nov 3, 2020

[Answer] What country’s national sport is archery?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What country’s national sport is archery?"

...1. Canada 2. Bhutan 3. Bolivia 4. Croatia

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What country’s national sport is archery?"

Bhutan - Archery became the official national sport of Bhutan in 1971, but “da,” as locals call it, has a much longer history in this small Buddhist country located between India and China. The practice was borne out of necessity, rather than fun and games, as the Bhutanese people employed bows and arrows against the invading Tibetans and British in the 19th century. Archery later evolved into a social game played by everyone from kings to villagers. Bhutan now regularly hosts archery festivals and tournaments — one of the largest, the Yangphel Open Archery Tournament, draws 260 competing teams over a three-month period. The Bhutanese also play by their own rules, which makes the archery practiced here quite unlike any other country — one game can take several days to complete. But it’s not all serious: Part of the reason games can stretch so long is that they’re frequently interrupted by revelry and song.:

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1 comment:

  1. Bhutan is a great country, i last visited but thanks this cool information
