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Nov 9, 2020

[Answer] Where can you hear a 1,000-year-long musical composition?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where can you hear a 1,000-year-long musical composition? "

...1. Kyoto, Japan 2. London, England 3. Ottawa, Canada 4. Dallas, Texas

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where can you hear a 1,000-year-long musical composition? "

London, England - Can music help us understand time? That question was part of what inspired artist, musician, and composer Jem Finer to create “Longplayer,” a 1,000-year-long musical composition that can be heard in the lighthouse at Trinity Buoy Wharf in London, as well as several other locations around the globe (and a live stream on the web). Composed for singing bowls, an ancient type of standing bell from Tibet, and “performed” by computers, the piece includes six sections from six pieces of music that play simultaneously, chosen and combined in such a way that no passage of music is repeated for 1,000 years. “Longplayer” began at midnight, December 31, 1999, and the self-sustaining piece is designed to be able to adapt to changing technologies over time. If all goes according to plan, it will continue playing until the last second of 2999, at which point it will over start again. :

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