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Nov 12, 2020

[Answer] Which European capital lies on about the same latitude as New York City?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which European capital lies on about the same latitude as New York City?"

...1. Berlin, Germany 2. Copenhagen, Denmark 3. Madrid, Spain 4. Bucharest, Romania

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which European capital lies on about the same latitude as New York City?"

Madrid, Spain - Ever wondered where you would end up if you jumped into the ocean and swam in a straight line? People living in New York City would, perhaps surprisingly, end up in Madrid, Spain. Both cities lie at about 40 degrees latitude. If you're wondering where the sunny beaches are in New York, keep in mind there are a lot of other factors that impact climate, including the jet stream that carries warm water from the Caribbean to Europe. Other nearby latitude neighbors for New York? Naples and Sorrento, Italy are also both on roughly the same 40-degree line. Other major U.S. cities: Atlanta lies at about the same latitude as Casablanca, Morocco; Los Angeles is latitude neighbors with Tokyo, Japan; and San Francisco is roughly level with Beijing, China.:

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