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Nov 21, 2020

[Answer] Why is rice often grown underwater?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Why is rice often grown underwater?"

...1. To save time watering 2. To avoid weeds 3. Rice is an ocean plant 4. To hide the crop from birds

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Why is rice often grown underwater?"

To avoid weeds - Rice is grown as a "semiaquatic" crop. It's not an underwater plant — you won't find it at the bottom of a lake or an ocean — but it can grow for a time in shallow water. Farmers grow rice in "paddy fields," which are flooded with water. Rice doesn't really have to be grown from fully submerged soil, but there are a few benefits to doing things that way — the most notable of which is weed control. Certain varieties of rice have what's called a "snorkel" gene which makes the plant grow tall quickly to reach the surface of the water. Most weed competitors can't do that, so they die off and leave the drained rice fields to bloom for harvest.:

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