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Dec 28, 2020

[Answer] 1. Finish the sentence with the best answer based on the idiom. "I think I'll pass the buck..."

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Finish the sentence with the best answer based on the idiom. "I think I'll pass the buck...""

...1. "...and let somebody else do it." 2. "...in case it was a trick." 3. "...and use my stuff to support my friends." 4. "...because I have no need for the value anyway." "Pass the buck" means to let someone else take responsibility for something. In the late 19th century, poker became very popular; however, there were several people who cheated by dirty dealing, and people were highly suspicious of each other when playing. In order to prevent this, they would switch dealers during sessions of poker. A dealer would be given a knife, with the handle made of buckskin, creating another meaning for the term "buck", and would deal, and afterwards would pass it to the person who would deal next, thus giving him the responsibility of dealing and creating this idiom.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. Finish the sentence with the best answer based on the idiom. "I think I'll pass the buck...""

"...and let somebody else do it.":

Please let us know as comment, if the answer is not correct!

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "1. Finish the sentence with the best answer based on the idiom. "I think I'll pass the buck...""

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