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Dec 22, 2020

[Answer] 1. What film based on a Herman Melville novel tells the story of the obsessive pursuit of a whale by a demented captain who believes the whale is the personification of evil?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. What film based on a Herman Melville novel tells the story of the obsessive pursuit of a whale by a demented captain who believes the whale is the personification of evil? "

...1. Two Years Before the Mast (1946) 2. The Poseidon Adventure (1972) 3. Sea Wolf (1941) 4. Moby Dick (1956) "Moby Dick" is perhaps one of Hollywood's better attempts to work symbolism into the plot. The whale, of course, is the symbol of evil in the world. In college, the novel was split up with different chapters. I got the chapters that dealt with the systematic evisceration of the whale - not the most pleasant part of the book. Gregory Peck starred as the crazed Captain Ahab. John Huston directed and co-wrote the script with Ray Bradbury. Orson Welles has a dramatic cameo. The movie site Rotten Tomatoes gave it an 84% rating which is quite high. They said that previous versions had dwelt too much on non-existent romantic subplots and happy endings. This version was most true to its source.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. What film based on a Herman Melville novel tells the story of the obsessive pursuit of a whale by a demented captain who believes the whale is the personification of evil? "

Moby Dick (1956):

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