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Dec 4, 2020

[Answer] 2. "I like walnuts for my lunch/They provide a nutty crunch" It's simple as that; two poetic lines are there for you to analyze. In fact, I'll save you the trouble. What is the typical term for these simple, rhyming lines of poetry?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. "I like walnuts for my lunch/They provide a nutty crunch" It's simple as that; two poetic lines are there for you to analyze. In fact, I'll save you the trouble. What is the typical term for these simple, rhyming lines of poetry?"

...1. Quatrain 2. Diameter 3. Couplet 4. Double Entendre If a limerick can be funny, a couplet is two-fifths as funny. ;) Couplets, quite simply, are two lines of poetry which have end-rhymes in each. In that sense, a couplet is never lonely because each line always has its corresponding mate. Aw. Couplets you may know include the entirety of Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales" and a large number of rap hits on the radio. In fact, noting sonnets again, every Shakespearean sonnet ends with a rhyming couplet in iambic pentameter. See- it all comes full circle!

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. "I like walnuts for my lunch/They provide a nutty crunch" It's simple as that; two poetic lines are there for you to analyze. In fact, I'll save you the trouble. What is the typical term for these simple, rhyming lines of poetry?"


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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. "I like walnuts for my lunch/They provide a nutty crunch" It's simple as that; two poetic lines are there for you to analyze. In fact, I'll save you the trouble. What is the typical term for these simple, rhyming lines of poetry?"

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