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Dec 7, 2020

[Answer] What folk remedy became American slang for a bogus cure-all?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What folk remedy became American slang for a bogus cure-all?"

...1. Apple cider vinegar 2. Onion vapors 3. Snake oil 4. Popcorn soup

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What folk remedy became American slang for a bogus cure-all?"

Snake oil - These days, the medicine business is regulated by the federal government. If you whip up some concoction that you say can cure diseases, you have to run your claims by the FDA before you can advertise and sell your new cure. Federal oversight of this sort exists because the United States used to have a pretty big problem with unregulated medicine. Back in the 19th century, traveling salesmen would hawk all kinds of bogus cure-alls, many of which contained weird chemicals or drugs like cocaine. One particularly famous cure-all was "snake oil," and its failure to work as advertised made "snake oil" and "snake oil salesman" common slang terms for scams and scam artists. Ironically, scientists have since discovered that snake oil may actually have some health benefits after all: It may help with arthritis, heart disease, and depression.:

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