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Dec 10, 2020

[Answer] What was the city of Montreal named after?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What was the city of Montreal named after?"

...1. A city in France 2. A mountain 3. A river 4. A royal palace

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What was the city of Montreal named after?"

A mountain - In 1535, Frenchman Jacques Cartier first arrived on the island originally inhabited by St. Lawrence Iroquoians, where the Canadian city of Montreal is located today. He climbed the mountain in the middle of the island and proclaimed it “Mont-Royal,” which means Royal Mountain in French. The name eventually evolved into Montréal, based on the 16th-century French word “réal,” also meaning royal. The settlement surrounding the island was initially called Ville-Marie; however, by 1705, Montreal became the official name for both the city and the island it sits on. It’s unclear why Jacques Cartier gave the mountain its royal name, but the most widely accepted theory is that he simply deemed it a majestic view from the top. Montreal is Canada’s second most populous city with more than 1.6 million residents. :

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