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Dec 23, 2020

[Answer] Which President's library has their actual Air Force One Boeing 707 on display?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which President's library has their actual Air Force One Boeing 707 on display?"

...1. Lyndon B. Johnson 2. Richard Nixon 3. Ronald Reagan 4. Bill Clinton

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which President's library has their actual Air Force One Boeing 707 on display?"

Ronald Reagan - Located in Southern California, the Reagan Library has a whole lot more than books inside of it. The Air Force One Pavilion is home to the actual Boeing 707 Air Force One plane, tail number 27000, that flew not only Reagan, but six other Presidents as well, starting with Richard Nixon all the way through George W. Bush. There's actually an entire fleet of presidential transportation within the museum, including a limousine and secret service suburban, as well as a 120 foot mural that highlights all of the aircraft that have ever flown a U.S. President. The library itself was designed around the installation, including a massive clear glass wall that gives the impression of the Air Force One plane being able to take flight! :

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