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Dec 6, 2020

[Answer] Whose innocent blood does God say is “crying out to Him from the ground"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Whose innocent blood does God say is “crying out to Him from the ground"?"

...According to this scripture, violently and innocently shed blood cries out to God for justice and vengeance. Cain committed the first murder of the Bible out of anger and jealousy against his brother. Ironically, Abel never spoke during his brief biblical appearance, yet we find his righteous blood (Matthew 23:25), literally screaming, yelling out to God from the ground. In the original Hebrew, the word blood is plural in this scripture, as in, "Your brother's bloods cry out to me." One rendering from the original language is represented by the quantity of blood that fell and the heavy bloodstreams that soaked into the ground. Another rendering that most biblical scholars accept for pluralization is that when you murder a person, you also kill their descendants. You unjustly remove their presence and contribution to the world. The advent of Jesus provided the final answer, and his shed blood, differing from Abel's, cried out atonement and reconciliation.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Whose innocent blood does God say is “crying out to Him from the ground"?"


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  1. Matthew 23:25 says nothing of the blood crying from the ground.

  2. Matthew 23:25 says nothing about the blood crying from the ground.
