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Jan 6, 2021

[Answer] 1. You've just arrived at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and you can hardly wait to get inside. The friendly young man at the ticket booth greets you with, "Marhaban!" How can you ask him whether he speaks English?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. You've just arrived at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and you can hardly wait to get inside. The friendly young man at the ticket booth greets you with, "Marhaban!" How can you ask him whether he speaks English?"

...1. Praat U Engels? 2. Hal tatakallam al ingliziya? 3. Parlez-vous anglais? 4. �Habla usted ingl�s? "Marhaban" means "Hello" in Arabic, the language of Egypt as well as the rest of North Africa and the Middle East. (Classical Arabic is also the language of the Qur'an, the sacred scripture of Islam.) Someone working in such a well-touristed place is likely to respond affirmatively to your question - in all likelihood, this young man does in fact speak "ingliziya," and you can debate the ticket price in English. The other choices also mean "Do you speak English?", but in languages that are much less likely to be useful in Egypt. "Praat U Engels?" is in Afrikaans; "Parlez-vous anglais?" is in French; and "�Habla usted ingl�s?" is in Spanish.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. You've just arrived at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and you can hardly wait to get inside. The friendly young man at the ticket booth greets you with, "Marhaban!" How can you ask him whether he speaks English?"

Hal tatakallam al ingliziya?:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "1. You've just arrived at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and you can hardly wait to get inside. The friendly young man at the ticket booth greets you with, "Marhaban!" How can you ask him whether he speaks English?"

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