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Jan 6, 2021

[Answer] 4. "Sin City," our most famous venue, Sticks out in your mem'ry, but when you Take in Burning Man, Our snow, trees and sand, You remember there's more on the menu! (Which state fits this ditty?)

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. "Sin City," our most famous venue, Sticks out in your mem'ry, but when you Take in Burning Man, Our snow, trees and sand, You remember there's more on the menu! (Which state fits this ditty?)"

...1. Utah 2. Nevada 3. Colorado 4. Alabama Las Vegas - hotbed of illicit activities - is where most peoples' exposure to Nevada begins and ends. Although it is the 7th largest U.S. state in area, 85% of Nevada's population lives in the greater Las Vegas or Reno areas. Don't just think desert; snow and Juniper forests cover large expanses of the central and northern parts of the state. In fact, "Nevada" means snowy. "Burning Man" is a week long artsy-craftsy free-bird-type ceremony, ending on Labor Day, which features a wooden effigy being burned. The ritual started in 1986 in California with an eight-foot guy; it has since been moved to Black Rock, Nevada and in 2010 the effigy itself was about forty feet high with a 64-foot base (also burned)!

Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. "Sin City," our most famous venue, Sticks out in your mem'ry, but when you Take in Burning Man, Our snow, trees and sand, You remember there's more on the menu! (Which state fits this ditty?)"


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