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Jan 20, 2021

[Answer] Although he was mute, how did Zacharias confirm the name of his new baby boy?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Although he was mute, how did Zacharias confirm the name of his new baby boy?"

...Zacharias was a priest, and was standing at the altar of incense when the angel Gabriel appeared with a message. His wife Elizabeth would bear a child whom the world would come to know as John the Baptist, who would play a significant role in preparing the way for the Messiah, his cousin Jesus. The message shocked Zacharias; he doubted and questioned Gabriel. As a result, the angel struck him mute, advising Zacharias that he would remain this way until the child's birth. Soon after, Elizabeth became pregnant, but Zacharias lived in silence during her pregnancy, watching the words from God delivered by Gabriel come true. When John's day of naming arrived, the family questioned what his name would be. They attempted to talk over Elizabeth's assertion of the name John. Instead, he should be named after his father, Zacharias, they said. The old priest motioned for a tablet. With force and certainty, he wrote the name given by Gabriel, "His name is John." His ability to speak immediately returned, and he praised God.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Although he was mute, how did Zacharias confirm the name of his new baby boy?"

He wrote it out:

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