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Jan 14, 2021

[Answer] From which country did the U.S. adopt martial arts practices that inspired American karate?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "From which country did the U.S. adopt martial arts practices that inspired American karate?"

...1. India 2. South Korea 3. China 4. Japan

Step 2 : Answer to the question "From which country did the U.S. adopt martial arts practices that inspired American karate?"

Japan - Due to make its debut at the 2021 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, karate is a popular martial art around the world, but Americans were not introduced to the practice until after World War II. In the 1950s, U.S. military personnel stationed in Okinawa, an island that was formerly under Japanese control (but was later reverted to Japan in 1972), learned Asian martial arts such as judo, traditional Japanese karate (from the mainland), and a South Korean martial art later called tae kwon do. A combination of open-hand techniques from these martial arts later became American karate, and former veterans became the first teachers of the style. Hollywood’s martial arts movies in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s cemented karate’s position in pop culture, and the rest is history.:

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