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Jan 11, 2021

[Answer] If you're dreaming of wildlife travel, Alaska is an ideal destination, with the brown bear, bald eagle and gray wolf all calling the state home. Which of the following statements about Alaskan animals is incorrect?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "If you're dreaming of wildlife travel, Alaska is an ideal destination, with the brown bear, bald eagle and gray wolf all calling the state home. Which of the following statements about Alaskan animals is incorrect?"

...1. The bearded seal is the smallest of Arctic seal species. 2. The lynx is the only cat native to Alaska. 3. The red fox inhabits tundra regions along with the Arctic fox. 4. Caribou bulls average 350 to 400 pounds and mature females average about 175 to 225 pounds.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "If you're dreaming of wildlife travel, Alaska is an ideal destination, with the brown bear, bald eagle and gray wolf all calling the state home. Which of the following statements about Alaskan animals is incorrect?"

the bearded seal is the smallest of Arctic seal species. It's actually the largest.,:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "If you're dreaming of wildlife travel, Alaska is an ideal destination, with the brown bear, bald eagle and gray wolf all calling the state home. Which of the following statements about Alaskan animals is incorrect?"

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