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Jan 6, 2021

[Answer] In what European country was it technically illegal for women to wear pants until 2013?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In what European country was it technically illegal for women to wear pants until 2013?"

...1. France 2. Belgium 3. Finland 4. Poland

Step 2 : Answer to the question "In what European country was it technically illegal for women to wear pants until 2013?"

France - France may be known as an epicenter for style and fashion, but if you can believe it, it was technically against the law for women to wear trousers until quite recently. The peculiar statue was introduced in 1800, requiring women to seek permission to “dress like a man.” Two amendments were later added, the last one as recently as 1909, that made exceptions for women to wear pants if they were riding a bicycle or a horse. Although the law had been effectively ignored for decades, it was officially overturned in 2013 by the country's Minister of Women's Rights, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem. She noted the law's original purpose, "limiting the access of women to certain offices or occupations by preventing them from dressing in the manner of men," was out of step with France's modern values.:

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