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Jan 4, 2021

[Answer] In which country can you find this castle on the water?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In which country can you find this castle on the water?"

...1. Finland 2. Spain 3. Switzerland 4. Austria

Step 2 : Answer to the question "In which country can you find this castle on the water?"

Finland - Situated on a tiny island on Lake Saimaa, Olavinlinna Castle was built in the 15th century in — Finland! Built by Swedish nobleman Erik Axelsson Tott, the castle was initially designed to protect the region from Russian attacks and reinforce Swedish control. When it was first constructed, Olavinlinna was considered a modern fortress since it featured a citadel, bailey (courtyard), and five cannon towers. The castle is a major tourist attraction for the region and even hosts the Savonlinna Opera Festival, an opera festival held on the grounds each year since 1912.:

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