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Jan 7, 2021

[Answer] The U2 song "Shadows and Tall Trees" is taken from a chapter title in what famous book?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The U2 song "Shadows and Tall Trees" is taken from a chapter title in what famous book?"

...The song “Shadows and Tall Trees” is one of U2’s earliest recordings. The song was inspired by William Golding's dystopian novel Lord Of The Flies. "Shadows And Tall Trees" happens to be the name of the seventh chapter of the book. In 1978, U2 went into a studio in Dublin to record their first demo tape. During that session they recorded three tracks, “Street Mission,” “Shadows and Tall Trees,” and “The Fool.” They became the first songs used to try to gain the Irish rock band a recording contract. “Shadows and Tall Trees” was the only song from the demo tape to be included on their debut album, Boy.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "The U2 song "Shadows and Tall Trees" is taken from a chapter title in what famous book?"

Lord Of The Flies:

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1 comment:

  1. Actually, other than the title, there's nothing in the contents of the song, or the book to suggest any manner of connection. The book chapter is more about reaching the point of no turning back in the loss of innocence, while the song is more about obscurity and oppressiveness. Really, short of Bono saying otherwise, it could be nothing but coincidence.
