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Jan 5, 2021

LA Times Crossword Answers Today Tue Jan 05 2021

Across Answers:

1. Good enough : OKAY

2. Grad : ALUM

3. "A New Day Has Come" singer : DION

4. Like Erté's art : DECO

5. Compensate : REPAY

6. Full of anticipation : AGOG

7. Subject to being wiped out : ERADICABLE

8. Source of some TV content : MINIS

9. Kardashian matriarch : KRIS

10. "We __ alone" : ARENOT

11. Genetic connection : LIN

12. Bridge protectors : NOSEPADS

13. Promotional giveaways : TIEINS

14. Explosive initials : TNT

15. "Bob's Burgers" sibling : TINA

16. Fellows : LADS

17. Sports bet based on total points scored ... or a hint to answering four puzzle clues : OVERUNDER

18. Chamonix peak : ALPE

19. Retro ski resort sight : TBAR

20. Inexact no. : EST

21. Like a busy chimney sweep's clothes : SOOTED

22. Collide with : SLAMINTO

23. Impediment to walking down a hallway : CLU

24. Bleeping editor : CENSOR

25. Hawkeye State campus town : AMES

26. Recommendation for better health : MEDI

27. Evil fairy played by Angelina Jolie : MALEFICENT

28. Kurylenko of "Quantum of Solace" : OLGA

29. In a heap : PILED

30. Bravo preceder : ALFA

31. It's not optional : NEED

32. Tibetan honorific : LAMA

33. Alka-Seltzer jingle word : PLOP

34. International gas brand : ESSO

35. undefined : undefined

Down Answers:

1. Blast furnace output : PIGIRON

2. With the least delay : SOONEST

3. Word with steam or fire : ENGINE

4. Many a poem by Sharon Olds : ODE

5. NBA coach Steve : KERR

6. Amazon berry : ACAI

7. Alpine song : YODEL

8. Continuing story line : ARC

9. Source of inside info, perhaps : LEAK

10. Criticize severely : UPBRAID

11. Casts in a bad light : MALIGNS

12. Green lights : YESES

13. "You sure of that?" : ISIT

14. Soak (up) : SOP

15. Thames gallery : TATE

16. African river to the Mediterranean : NILE

17. Topsoil : DIRT

18. Treats with disdain : SNUBS

19. Hammer home? : EAR

20. Uptight : ANAL

21. Go (for) : OPT

22. Nair rival that originally had "N" as its first letter : VEET

23. Horror icon, for short : DRAC

24. Web service since 1993 : AOLMAIL

25. Parsons of old Hollywood gossip : LOUELLA

26. Stores on a farm : ENSILES

27. Trio in funny shorts : STOOGES

28. Storm often chased : TORNADO

29. Mischief-maker : SCAMP

30. "Sorry Not Sorry" singer Lovato : DEMI

31. "Give __ break!" : MEA

32. Chant : INTONE

33. Summarize : RECAP

34. Come across as : SEEM

35. Inspiron maker : DELL

36. Lowdown : INFO

37. HHS agency : FDA

38. Touchscreen touch : TAP

39. undefined : undefined

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