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Feb 24, 2021

[Answer] What is unique about the "shells" of the Sydney Opera House?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is unique about the "shells" of the Sydney Opera House?"

...1. They are each identical in size 2. From a certain perspective, they create an optical illusion 3. Combined, they form a sphere 4. If you yell into them, you hear a minute-long echo

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is unique about the "shells" of the Sydney Opera House?"

Combined, they form a sphere - With its distinctive white roof resembling sails or shells and a picturesque location on Sydney Harbour, the Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous structures in the world. It was designed by architect Jørn Utzon, whose team experimented with various echoes of curves before landing on the opera house’s final geometrical shape. At first, Utzon had simply bent a ruler to form the curved shapes that he wanted; however, the need for structural integrity and the lack of reusable formwork resulted in a design that wouldn’t be practical. At last, Utzon arrived at the “Spherical Solution.” He is said to have hit on his “eureka!” moment while peeling an orange, with each shell acquired from a single form: the plane of a sphere. This prompted Utzon to refocus the 14 separate roof pieces into a puzzle-piece set that, together, forms a perfect sphere.:

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