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Mar 13, 2021

[Answer] Which U.S. state flag features the Union Jack?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which U.S. state flag features the Union Jack?"

...1. Alaska 2. Maryland 3. Massachusetts 4. Hawaii

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which U.S. state flag features the Union Jack?"

Hawaii - King Kamehameha I united the islands of Hawaii under a single state during the late 18th century. On a visit to the islands, British Captain George Vancouver gifted the Union Jack to the king, who then flew it as the unofficial flag of Hawaii. Then an independent country, Hawaii added red, white, and blue stripes — one for each of the eight major Hawaiian islands — to the Union Jack to make it the official national flag. When the U.S. attempted to annex the islands in 1893, the Stars and Stripes were briefly flown over the state, but the Hawaiians reinstalled their former flag just a year later. Just five years later, however, Hawaii became a U.S. territory, and in 1959, joined the Union as the fiftieth state. The Union Jack still flies on the state flag of Hawaii.:

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