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Apr 9, 2021

[Answer] 4. As the waiter lurched forward with his onus towering, teetering, dark as night and twice as sinful it became clear that here indeed was which much celebrated and desired pinnacle of cocoa confection?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. As the waiter lurched forward with his onus towering, teetering, dark as night and twice as sinful it became clear that here indeed was which much celebrated and desired pinnacle of cocoa confection?"

...1. Brown Apple Betty 2. Strawberry Shortcake 3. Pumpkin Pie 4. Death by Chocolate Death By Chocolate is the Marilyn Monroe of deserts. Voluptuous, silky, and too much for the ordinary mere mortal to handle it gets all the congo drums of pleasure beating at one time. This is not to say that Death By Chocolate is not without its variations. Typically the dessert encompasses a combination of chocolate items (e.g., cake, mousse, ice cream, syrup, candy) which by themselves would constitute a satisfying dessert, but when heaped together into a serving as big as your head are devastatingly awe-inspiring. At one time S & A Restaurant Group owned the trademark to the "Death by Chocolate" moniker. However, since S & A filed bankruptcy, the current legal status of the name is unclear and many restaurants are using it as a generic term for their own over the top chocolate confections.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. As the waiter lurched forward with his onus towering, teetering, dark as night and twice as sinful it became clear that here indeed was which much celebrated and desired pinnacle of cocoa confection?"

Death by Chocolate:

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