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Apr 23, 2021

[Answer] 6. Now that we're finally out of the basement, let's stock the ADM (the automated dispensing machine) in the Emergency Department's medication room. What is an advantage of having an ADM?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. Now that we're finally out of the basement, let's stock the ADM (the automated dispensing machine) in the Emergency Department's medication room. What is an advantage of having an ADM?"

...1. The ADM keeps an electronic record of transactions involving controlled substances 2. The ADM requires a password or a key so that only authorized persons can take drugs out of it 3. The ADM reduces medication errors by allowing users to dispense the right drug for the right patient at the right time 4. All of these are advantages The ADM is just one of a multitude of ways in which technology benefits health care and pharmacy. Many hospital pharmacies have robots that use a barcode system to "pick" the right medications for the hospital's inpatients.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "6. Now that we're finally out of the basement, let's stock the ADM (the automated dispensing machine) in the Emergency Department's medication room. What is an advantage of having an ADM?"

All of these are advantages:

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