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May 10, 2021

[Answer] What language uses inverted question marks?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What language uses inverted question marks?"

...1. German 2. Spanish 3. Italian 4. French

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What language uses inverted question marks?"

Spanish - When you think about it, putting the question mark at the start of the sentence makes a lot of sense — otherwise, you might not know that a question is a question until you get to the end. This issue is particularly acute in Spanish, where questions, exclamations, and declarative statements often have identical grammatical structures. In contrast, Germanic languages such as English often indicate questions by starting them with “question words” (who, what, why, when, where, etc.) or setting them up with different grammatical structure. The use of inverted question marks in Spanish goes back to 1754, when the Spanish Royal Academy recommended them, though it took about a century for them to become widespread. Spanish also uses inverted exclamation points, too — an idea that has even been suggested for English, as a way of indicating irony. Sadly, the idea never quite caught on, even though many agree that having some kind of irony mark would be ¡really! useful. :

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