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May 27, 2021

[Answer] Where can you visit a unique beach with sand grains shaped like stars?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where can you visit a unique beach with sand grains shaped like stars?"

...1. Hainan, China 2. Koh Rong, Thailand 3. Guam, United States 4. Taketomi, Japan

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where can you visit a unique beach with sand grains shaped like stars?"

Taketomi, Japan - Taketomi is one of Japan’s southernmost islands and is actually located much closer to Taiwan than Japan’s most populous main island of Honshu (where the capital, Tokyo, is). The tropical island is part of the Okinawa Prefecture and is best known for a beach called Hoshizuna-no-Hama, which translates to "Star Sand Beach." The unique sand grains here are shaped like stars because they are the remains of five-pointed sea algae. It’s the result of waves washing up their exoskeletons on the beach over the course of several million years. Each grain measures a few millimeters across and can easily be seen by the naked eye. Only two other neighboring islands — Iriomote and Hatoma — feature these unusual beaches, making it one of the world’s rarest natural phenomena.:

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