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Jun 30, 2021

[Ans] What does the German name "Volkswagen" mean in English?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What does the German name "Volkswagen" mean in English?"

Volkswagen began in Nazi Germany when Adolf Hitler ordered the government to mass produce a "people’s car" (Volkswagen) that the average German family could afford. He wanted the car to hold five passengers and sell for less than 1,000 Reich marks (about $140 at the time). The state-owned automobile company, would be named Volkswagen, or the "people's car." Designed by Ferdinand Porsche, the small bug-shaped prototype was unveiled at the Berlin Auto show in 1938. Decades later, that automobile — the Volkswagen Beetle — was one of the most beloved cars in the world.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What does the German name "Volkswagen" mean in English?"

"People's car":

Volkswagen began in Nazi Germany when Adolf Hitler ordered the government to mass produce a "people’s car" (Volkswagen) that the average German family could afford. He wanted the car to hold five passengers and sell for less than 1,000 Reich marks (about $140 at the time). The state-owned automobile company, would be named Volkswagen, or the "people's car." Designed by Ferdinand Porsche, the small bug-shaped prototype was unveiled at the Berlin Auto show in 1938. Decades later, that automobile — the Volkswagen Beetle — was one of the most beloved cars in the world.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "What does the German name "Volkswagen" mean in English?"

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