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Jun 9, 2021

[Answer] 1. Let's begin our journey! As we sail toward Latvia from the West, we float along the Baltic Sea, through the Irbe Strait and into what gulf, named after the capital city?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Let's begin our journey! As we sail toward Latvia from the West, we float along the Baltic Sea, through the Irbe Strait and into what gulf, named after the capital city?"

...1. Gulf of Bothnia 2. Gulf of Tonkin 3. Gulf of Aden 4. Gulf of Riga At its deepest point, the Gulf of Riga is nearly 220 ft (67 m). It is also known as the Gulf of Livonia, after an historic region that spans the eastern shoreline of the Baltic Sea. Numerous Baltic and Finnic peoples once inhabited the region. In fact, the indigenous people of Latvia are comprised not only of the Latvians but also of the Finnic Livs (or Livonians). As we sail into the Gulf of Riga, we may pass by island of Saaremaa, which belongs to Estonia. The Gulf of Aden, near the Arabian sea, lies between Yemen and Somalia. The Gulf of Bothnia is an arm of the Baltic Sea, sandwiched between Finland and Sweden. The Gulf of Tonkin is off the coast of Vietnam, connected to the South China Sea.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. Let's begin our journey! As we sail toward Latvia from the West, we float along the Baltic Sea, through the Irbe Strait and into what gulf, named after the capital city?"

Gulf of Riga:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "1. Let's begin our journey! As we sail toward Latvia from the West, we float along the Baltic Sea, through the Irbe Strait and into what gulf, named after the capital city?"

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