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Jun 30, 2021

[Answer] 7. Which state capital shares its name with a tunnel underneath the Hudson River, an American luxury automobile brand, and a popular children's toy made of wood?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "7. Which state capital shares its name with a tunnel underneath the Hudson River, an American luxury automobile brand, and a popular children's toy made of wood?"

...1. Madison 2. Trenton 3. Augusta 4. Lincoln The capital of Nebraska is ever-present in American life. The Lincoln Tunnel is a tunnel consisting of three tubes that connects Manhattan Island, New York and Weehawken, New Jersey. It allows traffic to cross underneath the Hudson River, and is approximately 8200 feet long (around a mile and a half). Lincoln is also the name of a line of high-end automobiles manufactured by Ford Motor Company. Lincoln was founded in 1917 and acquired by Ford in 1922. Its more famous models include the Town Car and the Continental. According to the company website, many famous Americans have purchased a Lincoln, including Thomas Edison, W.C. Fields and Herbert Hoover. Lincoln Logs are a toy building set constructed of tiny logs that can be notched together. Lincoln Logs have been around since the 1910s, and are still available at many toy retailers.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "7. Which state capital shares its name with a tunnel underneath the Hudson River, an American luxury automobile brand, and a popular children's toy made of wood?"


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