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Jun 29, 2021

[Answer] A "pneumonia front" is a weather phenomenon specific to which lake?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "A "pneumonia front" is a weather phenomenon specific to which lake?"

...1. Lake Como, Italy 2. Great Salt Lake, U.S. 3. Lake Baikal, Russia 4. Lake Michigan, U.S.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "A "pneumonia front" is a weather phenomenon specific to which lake?"

Lake Michigan, U.S. - A "pneumonia front" is just as bone-chilling as it sounds. The weather phenomenon only occurs on a short stretch of the Lake Michigan shoreline from Milwaukee to Chicago. Here's how it works: When temperatures heat up on the shore during spring — generally reaching an unseasonable high of 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer — a cold wall of air from the northeast can suddenly hit the coast and flip the temperature, causing it to drop up to a winter-like 40 degrees within minutes. The abrupt temperature change can reach several miles inland. Scientists still aren't sure why this particular weather phenomenon happens. While certainly more descriptive, the term “pneumonia front” isn’t an official one — the National Weather Service terms it a “lake-enhanced cold front” or “backdoor cold front.”:

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