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Jul 29, 2021

[Answer] In which state is it illegal to serve margarine instead of butter in restaurants?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In which state is it illegal to serve margarine instead of butter in restaurants?"

...1. Pennsylvania 2. Michigan 3. Wisconsin 4. Idaho

Step 2 : Answer to the question "In which state is it illegal to serve margarine instead of butter in restaurants?"

Wisconsin - Wisconsin is serious about butter. When margarine was introduced in the U.S. in the 1870s, it sparked mass protests by the state’s dairy farmers who claimed it threatened their industry. Wisconsin passed a law in 1895 (followed by several other states with strong dairy industries) that prohibited margarine makers from dyeing and selling it the same yellow color as butter. Wisconsin was the last state to have such a law on the books — holding out until 1966. However, one vestige of the state’s pro-butter sentiment remains: Though rarely enforced, it is still technically illegal for Wisconsin restaurants to serve margarine as a substitute for table butter unless a diner asks for it or both butter and margarine are offered.:

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