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Jul 8, 2021

[Answer] Which city's subway system is referred to as the "world's longest art gallery"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which city's subway system is referred to as the "world's longest art gallery"?"

...1. Moscow 2. Stockholm 3. Barcelona 4. London

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which city's subway system is referred to as the "world's longest art gallery"?"

Stockholm - Painstakingly painted, carved, and sculpted over the course of 68 miles, Stockholm’s subway system is unofficially dubbed the “world’s longest art gallery”. Each of the network’s 100 stations has a beautiful piece of art to admire while you’re commuting through its escalators, waiting halls, and platforms. The highly decorated subway system was built in the 1950s, and art played an important role in its construction, as the government believed that art needed to be more accessible to all its citizens. The artists who decorated the subway took inspiration from the abstract movements of Paris and New York, with the first station, T-Centralen, opening in 1957. The only concern? The ceilings and murals are so breathtaking, you’ll have to be careful not to miss your train.:

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