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Jul 4, 2021

[Answer] Which of these countries has two independence days?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of these countries has two independence days?"

...1. France 2. Sweden 3. Lithuania 4. South Korea

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of these countries has two independence days?"

Lithuania - Lithuania became an independent country in the 13th century, but its two independence days don’t honor this date. Instead, the country celebrates Restoration of the State Day on February 16 and the Restoration of Independence Day, just a few weeks later on March 11. After the first period of independence, the country fell to Russian rule during the 18th century and was occupied by Germany during World War I. The country declared independence from both powers on February 16, 1918, but it was short-lived. The Soviet Union occupied Lithuania following World War II, until the Baltic states joined forces to gain freedom from Soviet role. LIthuania’s newly elected parliament declared independence once again on March 11, 1990. Both days are now celebrated, as businesses close and citizens dress in the national colors of yellow, green, and red to show their pride.:

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