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Jul 5, 2021

[Answer] Which two countries share the world's shortest border?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which two countries share the world's shortest border?"

...1. Italy and Vatican City 2. France and Monaco 3. Botswana and Zambia 4. Egypt and Israel

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which two countries share the world's shortest border?"

Botswana and Zambia - Many people know that Canada and the U.S. share the world's longest international border, at a whopping 5,523 miles! On the opposite end of the spectrum, you've got Botswana and Zambia. These two African countries share a border that's just 0.09 miles long. Even Vatican City, which measures just 0.2 square miles total, has a longer border with Italy, owing to the fact it's completely surrounded by the country for a shared border of just under two miles. Technically, if you count exclaves, there is an even shorter border of just 0.05 miles between Morocco and Spain's outpost of Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, but then we're really splitting hairs over distance!:

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