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Aug 9, 2021

[Answer] The inventor of the Heimlich maneuver is cousins with the actor who played which character on "Happy Days"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The inventor of the Heimlich maneuver is cousins with the actor who played which character on "Happy Days"?"

...Dr. Henry Heimlich was a thoracic surgeon who is credited with inventing the Heimlich maneuver, a choking-prevention technique involving abdominal thrusts to treat upper airway obstructions. It turns out that Heimlich is the cousin of Anson Williams, the actor that played "Potsie" Weber on the 70's sitcom Happy Days. Despite the fact that the two men were cousins, Williams frequently referred to Heimlich as his uncle. The Heimlich maneuver has become a national safety icon, taught in schools, and displayed on restaurant posters around the world.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "The inventor of the Heimlich maneuver is cousins with the actor who played which character on "Happy Days"?"

Potsie Weber:

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1 comment:

  1. Yes that is Correct his name is Anson Williams Heimlich and guess what I Am an Actor and Cousins with both of them And A Member here in Williamstown NJ Charles Heimlich
