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Aug 17, 2021

[Answer] What animals are allowed to roam free in Disney parks at night?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What animals are allowed to roam free in Disney parks at night?"

...1. Chipmunks 2. Dogs 3. Horses 4. Cats

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What animals are allowed to roam free in Disney parks at night?"

Cats - When Disneyland closes its gates each night and guests and employees clear the park, one group remains behind that you probably didn’t know about: a population of feral cats. Since Disneyland opened in 1955, these cats have been a staple of the park's overnight world, but they ended up in the park by accident. The cats were first spotted taking up shelter in Sleeping Beauty's Castle, according to legend, on a dark and stormy night. While park officials tried to adopt them out to team members, they eventually realized that the park had a large mice population (thanks to the abundance of food waste in the park) and that the relationship would soon prove symbiotic. Now, the cats are allowed to roam around to keep the mice population at bay — not just at Disneyland, but at Disney parks all over the world. :

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