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Aug 27, 2021

[Answer] What is Burger King known as in Australia?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is Burger King known as in Australia?"

...1. Royal Table 2. Outback Burger 3. Burger Castle 4. Hungry Jack's

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is Burger King known as in Australia?"

Hungry Jack's - If you're in the mood for a Whopper when visiting Down Under, don't be discouraged if you can't find a Burger King anywhere. The fast food restaurant has over 17,000 locations around the globe, but when Burger King expanded to Australia in the 1970s, the company quickly discovered there was already a burger chain there with the same name. So the first local franchisee, Jack Cowin, coined the name “Hungry Jack's” after himself. The restaurant was identical to Burger King in every way but name. The local trademark for Burger King expired in the 1990s, and the corporate arm of Burger King in the U.S. tried to move into the Australian market under its original name. But with the two similar brands ended up in competition, and Hungry Jack’s took Burger King to court. Hungry Jack's won naming rights for all of Australia in 2001, which is why you won't find a Burger King there today.:

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