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Aug 16, 2021

[Answer] What is the official cat of Maryland?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the official cat of Maryland?"

...1. Calico 2. Bengal 3. American Shorthair 4. Maine Coon

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the official cat of Maryland?"

Calico - Maryland's official cat is not a specific breed but rather it is a specific set of colors. The calico cat has at least three colors in its coat, and while these can vary, the most common combination is white, orange, and black. If you're wondering what that might have to do with Maryland, those colors also represent the state bird, the Baltimore Oriole, and the baseball team by the same name. Calico cats are nearly always female because the genetic mix needed to create the colors is the same XX combination found in females. Maryland may have adopted them, but calicos are popular in many places. According to Irish folklore, rubbing against a calico cat's tail can remove warts. :

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